Spiritual Self-Care means you care enough about yourself and your own sacredness to give priority to that part of you that is always connected to the divine, to source.
When you find yourself inspired to do something or move in a certain direction, you are aligned with your higher self. You are at your best and operating at a frequency that allows you to accomplish things that you thought you could not at a different point in time in your life.
When you are in alignment with your soul you will find yourself moving in perfect harmony in the direction of that which brings you your highest good, be it physical, emotional, material or spiritual.
How to know you are in “spirit”
Taking care of your “spirit” brings about changes in yourself so subtle you won’t feel it or see it, but you will experience it and know it when you find yourself doing things differently and effortlessly.
You will know a shift has happened when you have more “aha!” moments and you experience more synchronicities in your life. For instance, things will seem to just come to you.
The late, Dr. Wayne Dyer, was one of my first mentors in my quest to live a more conscious and inspired life. In the article, How life looks when I am inspired, Dr. Dyer, describes how he feels and how the world looks through the eyes of source when he is open to the language of spirit. I have come to experience many of the states he has outlined and know that these are not unique to any one individual.
States of being in Spirit
- A state of being in the “Know”
- A Knowing that…… You are not Alone!
- A Feeling of being Safe and Protected
- A feeling of no necessity to change anyone or anything (No judgement, perspective).
- Living on Purpose and in Perfect Harmony with your “Source Being”
- Attuned to the creative energy of the universe
- Living life with more Optimism
- An inner knowing that nothing can interfere with an idea whose time has come.
- Operate More in a state of flow
- More in a state of higher frequency or vibrational feeling
- An understanding of the synchronicities in everyday life
Spiritual Self-Care
How do you begin to take care of your spirit?
Spirituality takes many different meanings. Whether you find it through religion or nature, one thing is for sure: It is a very personal experience and practice.
Taking care of your spirit is just as important as taking care of your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. To begin your journey of nurturing your spirit, these spiritual self-care tips will help you get started.
- Practice Yoga
- Meditate daily
- Engage in Mindful Walking
- Clear Your Space
- Connect with Community
- Journal daily
- Read Inspiring material
- Be in Nature More
- Unplug from Technology
- Practice Forgiveness
- Practice Mindfulness techniques

Synchronicities and Manifestations
As you start your journey into discovering your own truths and begin to understand how you are more than just your physical body and mind; you will begin to see the world through the lens of a higher vibration. Thus, bringing to you an awareness of the synchronicities that will begin to appear in your life.
These synchronicities and manifestations that may seem magical or miraculous to others will become everyday occurrences to you. Hence, you will understand the power of being connected to a higher source and to the now present moment. It’s all that matters.
You will come to understand that you are a co-creator in every aspect of your life. The more conscious you become about your inner working, like the quality of your thoughts, the easier it will be to identify what you have manifested in your life.
Meditation is one of the best ways to take care of your spirit and nourish your soul. Incorporating any type of meditation practice into your day will create shifts in your perception and awareness and allow you to commune with your higher guidance system.
Why does spiritual self care matter? When you are in spirit, your actions bring you joy, you find passion in your undertaking and it flows. When you are in spirit, you are not here nor there. You’re not working, You are flowing and in a state of creation.