6 Ways To Connect With Your Higher Self

Our higher self is the source of all light and life that came into this world wrapped in a body and a personality that we identify as ourselves. Namely, it is the infinite, all-knowing part of us that was directly created from Divine Source or that universal intelligence we call GOD. In particular, our higher self is pure positive energy that has access to all of our lifetimes past, present and future and spans all dimensions, time and space. It is the infinite part of us.

Our higher self is our true identity. At the soul level, we are having a human experience through our physical bodies in this lifetime. Unquestionably, our higher self is the source of our intuitive knowledge and guidance.

We have access to this incredible source energy at all times. Yet, most of us don’t know how to access or connect with it. Incidentally, most of us will live out our entire lives with no awareness that this guidance system is available to us.

Why are we not connecting to this internal compass?

A major reason for the disconnect is that we as a society, are not taught to view ourselves as divinely created spiritual beings. Additionally, we are not taught to follow our intuition which can lead to a slow process of disconnection from our higher self. Instead, we focus more on the rational, conscious mind; on reason and logic and our emotions. Consequently, we learn to rely on our five senses to give us a structure of our reality and an interpretation of who we are. However, that alone is not the whole of who we are.

In many ways, we have been conditioned to seek Source, GOD, or Creator outside of ourselves, while we are light from the same source with access to its energy at all times.

Why Deepen Our Connection To Our Higher Self?

Our higher self is always working behind the scenes for our greater good. However, there is a gift we have in this lifetime called “free will” meaning we have a right to make our own choices. Therefore, not connecting with our higher self is a choice.

So, If we are not connecting with our soul self, how are we living out our lives?

Well, if we are not connecting and co-creating with our higher self, then we must me operating by our default mechanism, which coincidentally is our lower self or the ego. The higher self is invested in our growth and growth requires change and change can be scary. Conversely, the lower self is invested in keeping us safe and within the mundane. Furthermore, it is resistant to change, thus keeping us in our comfort zone.

When we connect with our higher self, it will lead us to take small steps outside our comfort zone. However, the lower self will try to convince us of how bad that idea is and try to keep us in our safe zone. The resistance coming from the lower self may look like “forgetting” so that we lose the connection to our higher self. It can show up as “I’ll start tomorrow” when we plan to start meditating or start that project we’ve been thinking about. The ego will have us come up with a million excuses as to why we shouldn’t venture into new things.

So, what do we do?

We can acknowledge the resistance of the ego as we continue our growth in connection with our higher power. When we are at our lowest as well as when we are in a state of inspiration, our higher self is there ready to guide.

Why not invite our higher power into our conscious life and connect with that part of us that knows better?

6 Ways To Connect With Our Higher Self

1. Define What Personal Success Looks Like

It helps to let go of society’s definition of success, which tends to be very egocentric, mainly focused on the attainment of physical things. For example, we tend to associate money, power, showmanship, fame, beauty, educational degrees, etc. to our meaning of success. Consequently, when we do this we simultaneously measure our worth on a sliding societal scale. For instance, how much we are able to check off boxes on the “success” checklist.

Consequently, when we fail to meet those measures, we call ourselves failures. We may feel unworthy or less than. We may become depressed, angry, despondent, withdrawn and lose sight of our true value. Thus, falling into denser and lower states of being and further away from Source energy. So, how can we reframe success?

What if we looked at success from a personal point of view versus the societal construct that we have somehow accepted as truth? Undoubtedly, success would be framed quite differently.

The meaning of success would no longer be so finite, but more fluid. For instance, we get to define what success means to us, we mold it and sculp it to fit who we are, what we like, what makes us happy, what inspires us and what brings meaning into our lives.

It helps to think and journal about what personal success means to each of us in the context of our personal, physical, emotional and spiritual life. Likewise, journaling is a wonderful way to allow the voice of our higher self to come through.

2. Meditate To Connect With the Higher Self

Meditation is one of the best ways to connect with our higher self because it quiets the mind from competing thoughts that drowns it out. Many of us are afraid to face ourselves in the stillness of our minds and resist meditation, but this is why the work is important. Understandably so, in meditation we may face our shadow self, however, releasing those repressed emotions opens us up to the light.

In the stillness, in the spaces between thoughts, we connect with our heart and soul to reach the message of the Divine. Just as prayer is talking to God, meditation is listening to Source. Personally, I focus on my breath, following the flow of air as it makes its way into my chest and then I focus on my heart center. I stay in that space and look for feelings of peace, light, warmth and expansion. This is the place where I connect with my higher being. Most practitioners also agree that meditation is the best way to directly connect with our guidance system.

3. Be In A State Of Appreciation

We are energetic beings living in a world where everyone carries a vibration and frequency. Thus, our emotions become the compass by which we can ascertain where we stand in the present moment. When we are sad, angry, depressed or anxious, we are vibrating low. These feelings have value and must be honored because they are telling us something about ourselves. Additionally, they serve as guideposts as well, perhaps telling us that we have strayed far off in the other direction of wellbeing.

In circumstances where we find ourselves vibrating low, it helps to bring gratitude and appreciation into the equation. For example, when you begin to appreciate what you have and appreciate others as well, you shift your energy and begin to attract more of what you are in appreciation of. Consequently, it is in this state of appreciation that we can access the higher self.

4. Remove Money Out Of The Equation

Firstly, let me clarify that having money and having a healthy relationship with money is fantastic. Secondly, money is a necessary tool that can bring us a whole lot of good in this physical world. However, money should not be the sole motivating factor as to how we choose to spend all of our time.

Let’s imagine winning the lottery and now we have all the money we can dream of. We no longer have to work at a job that doesn’t please us or be tied to a schedule or a paycheck. Now that money is out of the equation, what will we do?

Whatever, we choose to do that brings us happiness and a sense of fulfillment is our calling. Now, that we are free from the grid per se, we can explore the many passions and callings within us. The moment we align with our passions and desires, we begin to really tap into our spiritual nature. Thus, we find ourselves in true harmony with our higher self co-creating and piloting into our truth, our destiny.

5. Know This Is Your Life

Honestly, we have all heard people say, everyone has their journey or path to take, and it’s true. However, have we really taken the time to reflect on what that really means?

This is your life, nevertheless, we can easily be influenced into living someone else’s dream life mistakenly believing it is ours. The worst that can happen is waking up one day in realization of having lived someone else’s dream. By the way, we can live as many dreams as we like. As the saying goes, “If you can dream it, you can have it.” Trust in yourself and trust in your higher being.

Don’t place your pen in someone else’s hands and have them write your story. We came here to gain our own perspective of life as a human being, to experience, express, expand and evolve. Coincidentally, I wrote a previous article on how to start a spiritual journey for expansion. You can read it here if you like.

Knowing where we stand in the present moment is important. Additionally checking in on our guidance system is the way to ensure that we are moving and operating in alignment with our purpose. Granted, we may not even know what that may be at this point, yet when you align with your higher self, you will always have the right guidance.

6. Be In Nature As Much As Possible

I think it’s safe to say that we have all had days that we wished we could erase from memory. For instance, days that have started off badly where nothing seems to go in our favor. Accordingly, appearing like the universe is determined to offering us a buffet of unpleasantries. The external world can do that to us; blindside us when we least expect it. Further, increase the momentum of the negative situation until we can change the trajectory of it.

That is a clear signal of how far we’ve strayed from our higher self or our “wellbeing”. How can we then change the trajectory and how can we connect with our higher self?

Nature is a calming, healing solution. It took me years to figure out how to remove myself from chaos to peace. For example I was a bit of a workaholic and worked frantically to get everything done, yesterday. If you know what I mean. Today, I have learned to pull away and take that lunch break and break out of my work mode and walk in nature.

When we bask in nature we are able to reconnect with our true self and disconnect from societal influence. Feel the breeze, feel the sun’s warmth on your face, listen to the birds and the sounds around you. Mostly, pay attention to the shift in your feelings and emotions. Being in nature, re-aligns us with the vibration of the earth and the universe.

In closing, there is no better time like the present to find and connect with your higher power. The life and light that fuels you and sends you intuitive signals towards growth and enlightenment is worth connecting with. We all have free will and we can choose to live our lives by default. Nevertheless, we are spiritual beings and remembering that infinite part of our existence makes this physical journey a little less painful and a bit more “divine” in nature. 🖤

Here are some related Resources from Sounds True for your leisure reading and inner practice. Please share this article with anyone you think would enjoy this reading.

Learn how science and Western psychology are transforming spirituality.
Learn how to step out of ego-identification into open-hearted awareness for a more awakened life existence.


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